efa policy qos profile bind


efa policy qos profile bind [ --name string | --fabric fabricName | --tenant tenantName | --port stringArray | --po po-list ]


--name string
Specifies the name of the QoS profile.
--fabric fabricName
Specifies the name of the fabric to bind.
--tenant tenantName
Specifies the name of the tenant to bind.
--port stringArray
Optional. Used to bind fabric-internal ports or a list of physical ports of a tenant to bind. Example: "fabric-internal" or "SW1_IP[0/1,0/2,0/5:1-2], SW2_IP[0/3,0/6,0/9-20]".
--po po-list
Optional. Used to specify the list of port-channels of a tenant to bind. Example: po3,po5,po9,po12.


This example applies the configuration of QoS profile "fabricProfile1" to all devices and interfaces in fabric "fabric1".
efa policy qos profile bind --name fabricProfile1 --fabric fabric1
This example applies the configuration of QoS profile "fabricProfile2" to all internal ports in fabric "fabric1", but excludes applying the configuration on any edge interfaces. These ports were previously bound with "fabricProfile1" in the above example.
efa policy qos profile bind --name fabricProfile2 --fabric fabric1 --port “fabric-internal”
This example applies the configuration of a QoS profile named "tenantProfile1" to all devices or interfaces in "tenent1".
efa policy qos profile bind --name tenantProfile1 --tenant tenant1
This example applies the configuration of a QoS profile named "tenantProfile2" to 2 interfaces and 3 port-channels within "tenant1".
efa policy qos profile bind --name tenantProfile2 --tenant tenant1 --port “[0/1,0/2]” --po po3,po4,po22